


The Bomber Command Museum of Canada needs your help. With the world in Covid-19 Lock Down the museum has been forced to close its doors to the public. As per the direction of the Alberta Government the museum will remain closed to the public until at least August 31, 2020. Due to this closure we have lost our major source of funding.

The above are simple statements. Likely they are similar to statements made recently by many worthy organizations.What does this current reality mean to your museum? With our doors closed and funding stopped it means that the restorations have stopped, building maintenance and operations are no longer funded, and museum programming has ceased.

Time however doesn’t stop. The aging and deterioration of artifacts, without proper environmental controls and curatorial attention, continues; therefore heating, building maintenance and operation is still a necessity. We have drastically reduced spending and cut costs where possible. The reality of today is that without additional funding the museums longevity itself is at risk. With each passing day our funds on hand dwindle and the museum’s future looks darker and darker. In light of adversity we shall press on regardless; but we can’t do it alone.

With this in mind, I am reaching out to you, our valued supporters to help keep, The Bomber Command Museum of Canada, your national treasure, ready to greet the public when this lock down is lifted. Any financial help you can offer during these dark times is be greatly appreciated. Whether your support comes through Membership renewals, online gift shop purchases or direct financial contributions, it will help ensure that, when the Pandemic is gone and we once again return to the streets, your museum will still be standing strong with its doors open awaiting a visit from you.

Please dig deep, your generosity will help to preserve these priceless artifacts for generations to come. Whatever you can offer, whether it be $100.00 or a $1000.00, improves the museum’s chances of weathering the COVID-19 Storm. Without your support the outcome will be entirely different and sadly the irreplaceable will be lost.

Support can be made through donations sent to the following address:
Bomber Command Museum of Canada
Box 1051
Nanton, Alberta
T0L 1R0

or online at Bomber Command Museum of Canada Donations

We also encourage you to visit our online gift shop to support the museum.