The CAHS is in the final stages of developing a new website.

We invite you to Click Here to visit now to view the new site and take advantage of the new features.

Once all relevant material from the old website has been transfered to the new website,
typing will automatically bring you to the new website.

Also visit the Newsflash page at to read about the latest developments.

Thanks for your patience, support, and interest!



Upcoming Meeting Information - CAHS Regina Chapter Meeting

Date:  Thursday, April 18, 2019

Location:   Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St, Regina

Time: Supper at 1800 – Meeting at 1930

There is no charge to attend the presentation, though there is a $5 free-will "landing fee" to cover costs.


Chapter Contact Information 

Mailing Address
526 Black Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2V9


Meeting and Membership Information

Meetings:  Third Thursday of each month (September through June)

Location:   Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St, Regina

Time: Supper at 1800 – Meeting at 1930

Landing Fee:   TBA

Annual Fee:   $15 for Canadian addresses, $30 for US and International addresses