2013 Newsletters
- Newsletter #27
- Newsletter #28
- Newsletter #29
Dear Member,
In early February I was sent to the two-day 8th annual Military Studies Conference held in my hometown of Windsor, Ontario. With me I brought copies of the CAHS Journal and our pamphlet to entice new members, but I was pleasantly surprised to meet a handful of current CAHS members too! My table was also right next to the display set up by the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association whose enthusiastic volunteers were very excited about the possibility of working with the CAHS in mutually beneficial ways. In between chatting with CAHS members and the great people from the CH2A, I spoke with many potential new members who came to the table eager to take home copies of our printed materials. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking face-to-face with people interested in the CAHS and am hoping we recruited some new members from the region!
This month’s newsletter outlines some of the recent initiatives CAHS National and our Chapters have organized to promote the activities of the organization both in-person and online. Even a cursory glance at the list shows that the CAHS has an ambitious team of Executives and Directors and an enthusiastic membership, but our challenge continues to be finding the financial support to make our vision, and the vision of our members, a reality. Individual members can do their part by getting involved in their local Chapter, spreading the word about the CAHS to friends and family, and by keeping their membership current.-
Members: A reminder that the year that your membership expires is printed in the upper right hand corner of the address block on your Journal mailing envelope, and it is important that you do not let your membership lapse or you risk missing upcoming Journal issues. You can renew your membership either online or by mail.
Please see below for details regarding some of the great work our Chapters and membership are doing, including the extended promotional offer for the purchase of the book Blackbirds, an update on CAHS Journal production, information on a new membership category for Canadian aviation museums, recent awards and give-aways, and upcoming Chapter functions.Blue skies,
Caitlin McWilliams
CAHS Vice-President
Editor, CAHS e-Newsletter
CAHS National News
NeWest Press Blackbirds Promo EXTENDED to 15 March!
NeWest Press and the CAHS are excited to present Garry Ryan’s new book, Blackbirds. NeWest has agreed to donate 10% from the purchase of each book ordered through our website to the CAHS. We have extended the offer until 15 March and encourage you to take advantage of this great opportunity to pick up a great read and support the CAHS at the same time! The book is available for purchase at www.cahs.ca. The price is $23.50 (including shipping and handling) and you will receive your copy in March.
New Membership Category for Museums
Attention Canadian aviation museums!
The CAHS has just recently created a new membership category exclusively for museums. For the annual cost of $100, a Museum Member gains access to these exciting benefits:
Baseline CAHS National membership rights
Donation tax receipt for $60
Special rates for selling the CAHS Journal in their gift shop
Invitation to place one pre-printed flyer in each of our quarterly CAHS Journal mailings for free (up to a $100 benefit)
Museum’s name displayed on our Museum Members webpage with a descriptive paragraph about the museum and link to the museum member’s website
The CAHS will work to schedule at least one museum related speaker at the annual convention
Invite Museum Members to schedule a Museum Members session in conjunction with the CAHS annual convention to discuss museum related issues
Display space for free at our annual convention
Ability to advertise in a Museums Member column of the CAHS e-newsletter
In return, the CAHS requests that Museum Members would:
Put a link to the CAHS website on their website
Include CAHS information items in newsletters
Permit CAHS membership brochures to be displayed on-site
Inform their members that the CAHS Journal seeks articles on aviation history
This is a $240 value, available to Canadian aviation museums for only $100. If you or the museum you are associated with might be interested in becoming a Museum Member of the CAHS, download the form here and return it to the address stated. We are looking forward to working with Canada's aviation museums in such a mutually beneficial capacity!
Membership Giveaway at RCAF Luncheon
The CAHS donated a one-year membership as a door prize for the 11th Annual RCAF Yuma (Arizona) Luncheon that was held on 8 February. CAHS member Roger Beebe (at right) was the host of the event and is pictured presenting the certificate to the winner, Joseph Macauley of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Congratulations Joseph, and welcome to the CAHS!
2013 MacRitchie Scholarship
On 20 February, the CAHS presented the Douglas MacRitchie Scholarship to Jesse Proper, a student at Centennial College in the Aeronautical Engineering degree program. The scholarship is supported by the CAHS through funds donated by the MacRitchie family. Although the MacRitchie family was unable to attend the banquet, Caitlin McWilliams represented CAHS National and CAHS Member Scott Maclagan attended on behalf of the Toronto Chapter. Photos to come!
2013 CAHS National Convention and Annual General Meeting
A short reminder that the 2013 CAHS National Convention and Annual General Meeting will be held from Wednesday September 11 until Sunday, September 15, 2013 and hosted in conjunction with our Chapter in Ottawa, Ontario. Preliminary arrangements are still in the works but keep an eye on www.cahs.ca and the e-Newsletter for upcoming details, schedule, and registration information!
CAHS 50th Anniversary Celebrations
The CAHS continues to brainstorm ways to celebrate this year's magnificent milestone and needs your help to make it happen throughout the entire organization! Please put your pen to paper and help record our history. We want your stories for the website and the journal. Contact Rachel Lea Heide (treasurer@cahs.ca) with your events, ideas, and articles.
CAHS Journal UpdateThe 50-3 (Fall 2012) edition of the CAHS Journal arrived in your mailbox in early February. We hope you enjoyed reading about the DHC-2 Beaver, the Royal Flying Corps Winter Ops, the 2012 Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame inductees, and His Majesty's Airship R-100! I guarantee that 50-4 (Winter 2012) will have as well-researched material and equally fascinating material.
Terry Higgins and his editorial team have been on a roll with Journal production and are working hard to keep up the momentum to get 50-4, which is in the proofing and layout stages, into your hands as soon as possible. Terry and his team are also working on content development up through to edition 51-3 (Fall 2013). This means that it is very likely that we will have 50-4 and 51-1 out in quick succession, with 50-4 through early / mid March and 51-1 first week in April!
CAHS Online
National Aviation Day Twitter Raffle
Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, our social media guru, held our first ever Twitter raffle on 23 February in honour of National Aviation Day. Users who retweeted the post announcing the contest from our @CanAvHistSoc account were entered in a draw to win a copy of Blackbirds. The contest generated a lot of buzz on our page the winner was Kelly Ouimet of Ottawa. We intend to hold more of these draws, so be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter page and Facebook for more fantastic give-aways!
New on the BlogVisit cahs.ca to view our rotating blog feature. In February, Bill Zuk took us through "Canada's Rotary Wing Heritage."
"In 1909, 25 enthusiasts gathered at the Winnipeg Industrial Bureau to form the Aero Club of Canada on March 31, 1909 "in order to assist and promote practical aeronautics by encouraging Canadian Inventors." Their initial ambitious project resulted in the first aircraft designed and built entirely in Canada, the "Aero Car Canada", which was unveiled to the public shortly after the association's inauguration; their second program led to the design of Canada's first helicopter."
Read the full blog on the CAHS website!
Note: All featured blogs are available as downloadable PDF's for easy reading on your smartphone or tablet, or saving for future reading.
CAHS Chapter News
On 7 March, CAHS Manitoba will host another night of its Lyncrest Aviation Film Series at Lyncrest Airport in conjunction with the Springfield Flying Club. All are welcome to view Amelia, the story of Amelia Earhart.
In honour of Women in Aviation week, CAHS Manitoba will also be sponsoring and participating in the “Women Fly!” event on 9 March 2013 at St Andrews Airport. The event, which is supported by a number of aviation organizations, will offer free flights to women of all ages who are interested in aviation. Read more on the Women Fly! website here. If you are available to volunteer at the event, please contact Jim Bell.
On 20 March, the British Columbia Aviation Museum is hosting an evening on "The F-35 and Canada" with Brigadier-General Don MacNamara. The talk is co-sponsored by the CAHS, and if the turnout for these events in Victoria continue to be stellar we may even consider forming a new CAHS Chapter!
Upcoming Chapter Meetings
Chapter Date Location Calgary 21 March Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Manitoba 28 March Western Canada Aviation Museum Montreal 21 March Royal Canadian Legion New Brunswick 30 March Public Archives Building, UNB Campus Ottawa 28 March Canada Aviation and Space Museum PEI 2 March Charlottetown Airport Terminal Regina 14 March Royal United Services Institute Toronto 9 March Canadian Forces College Vancouver 12 March Richmond Cultural Centre Further Chapter meeting details - including speaker listing and meeting times - are posted to www.cahs.ca when they become available. Be sure to check your Chapter's personalized meeting webpage and event calendar for the most up-to-date information!Notice to Chapter Executives: For purposes of circulating up-to-date meeting information to the national membership, please add cahs.newsletter@gmail.com to your individual Chapter newsletter distribution lists, or send me a quick e-mail when you have confirmed details regarding your next meeting.
This Month in Canadian Aviation History
3 February 1942: The Canadian Women's Auxillary Air Force is renamed the RCAF Women's Division
The Canadian Women's Auxiliary Air Force, or CWAAF, was formed in 1941. As it grew it was renamed the RCAF Women's Division and operated under the motto "We Serve That Men May Fly." The purpose of the WD's was to fill in as replacements for the men who left the workforce join an aircrew.-
"RCAF airwomen eager for operational duties," Globe and Mail, 6 October 1942
Women could apply to work in one of three groups: Standard tradeswomen, war emergency training, and cooks. Their duties expanded as the war progressed and women filled over 40 different trade positions. Many were located at British Commonwealth Air Training Plan stations across Canada.
"Ten questions most often asked by girl recruits," Hamilton Spectator, 2 March 1943
"Air Force women lauded by Air Marshall Breadner," Globe and Mail, 23 October 1943
By February 1943 there were approximately 11,000 women enlisted - more than the number of men in the air force at the beginning of the war. In one year, enlistment figures had grown to become the largest of any one month since the formation of the women's division of the RCAF.-
"Women recruits in RCAF set record in February," Globe and Mail, 18 February 1943
"February total of enlistments created record," Hamilton Spectator, 30 February 1943
Over 17,400 women served with the Women's Division before it was disbanded in December of 1946.
(*All articles and materials copyright of their respective publishers)
CAHS member Al McNutt passed away in January. Al was a pilot, mechanic, and successful author. Jerry Vernon writes:
"Al was one of the RCAF pilots who transferred over to the Navy late in the war, when there was a surplus of trained RCAF fighter pilots, instructors and staff pilots. Postwar, he did many things, including being Flight Engineer on Canadair's corporate DC-3, a factory test pilot on the T-33s, a long career flying Mosquitos, P-38s, Cansos and other survey aircraft for Spartan Air Services, Aero Service Corp., Survair, etc., time spent at Transport Canada, many years flying fire bombers for Conair and Cansos on salmon fishing charters in B. C., etc."
Dear {tag:firstname}, thank you for reading this e-newsletter. We hope you have enjoyed it! Please feel free to forward it to friends and family members, and encourage them to sign up on www.cahs.ca for FREE to receive future copies directly. If you have any news or events to share, please contact us at cahs.newsletter@gmail.com
CAHS National Newsletter - Issue 28
Like us at "Canadian Aviation Historical Society - National"
Follow us @CanAvHistSoc with over 754 other followers
Share your aviation photos on Flickr
Changed your mailing or e-mail address?
Keep in touch! Contact Rachel Lea Heide to update your contact information or payment records
Financial inquiries: treasurer@cahs.ca
Membership inquiries: membershipinfo@cahs.caNeed to renew your Membership?
Click here to download a Membership Renewal Form
Click here to renew immediately online
Special thanks to the following supporters:
North Wright Airways Ltd.
Corporate Members:
Clearwater Fine Foods
VAC Developments
AC Family Network
Alberta Genealogical Society - Edmonton
Bomber Command Museum
Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
Experimental Aircraft Association
Fondation Aérovision Québec
Leavens Aviation
Linguistek Inc.
Rockcliffe Flying Club
Vintage Wings of Canada
Canadian Aviation Historical Society
PO Box 2700 Station D
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5W7
Dear Member,
When I worked the Ops Desk at the Windsor Flying Club, it was always a huge relief when we put the wing covers away for the season and said goodbye to winter ops. No more braving blizzards to secure wing covers; no more brushing snow off the entire fleet; no more engine and battery pre-heat and warm-up; no more shovelling the club's long taxiway. Anyone with a car and driveway can relate to this daily winter ritual, and by the time March rolls around most of us are ready for some sunshine. Putting the wing covers away for the season was the sign that spring was here, and it was always a welcome sight for our staff and customers (though I think our pilots were even more relieved than the staff since they have to deal with the weather on both the ground and in the air!).
It seems like spring may finally have made an appearance across the country, and with the melting snow and longer days come the promise of summer on the horizon. I'm sure many aviators across Canada are anxious to shake off their wing covers and start organizing fly-ins, air shows, vacations, and scenic rides with friends.
Goodbye winter ops - Hello springtime!
The CAHS is currently working on a range of initiatives related to our 50th anniversary celebrations, so keep an eye on the website, newsletter, and social media feeds for updates! We intend to celebrate this milestone all year long, and the CAHS wants to hear your ideas for how we can accomplish this nationwide. We are looking for event and initiative proposals, as well as stories and articles for the website and the journal. Help us tell our history! Contact Rachel Lea Heide (treasurer@cahs.ca) with any suggestions.
A brief reminder that the 2013 CAHS National Convention and Annual General Meeting will be held 11 -15 September and hosted in conjunction with our Chapter in Ottawa, Ontario. Preliminary arrangements are still in the works but keep an eye on www.cahs.ca and the e-Newsletter for upcoming details, schedule, and registration information!
Blue skies,
Caitlin McWilliams
CAHS Vice-President
Editor, CAHS e-Newsletter
CAHS National News
2013 MacRitchie Scholarship
On 20 February, the CAHS presented the Douglas MacRitchie Scholarship to Jesse Proper, a student at Centennial College in the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer degree program. Although the MacRitchie family was unable to attend the banquet, CAHS VP Caitlin McWilliams (third from left) represented CAHS National and CAHS Member Scott Maclagan (second from left) attended on behalf of the Toronto Chapter. As promised is a photo from the event!
In April, Caitlin McWilliams will represent the CAHS at the unveiling of a donor wall at Centennial College which will acknowledge the contribution of the MacRitchie Scholarship.
Membership Giveaway at RCAF LuncheonThe CAHS donated a one-year membership as a door prize for the 11th Annual RCAF Yuma (Arizona) Luncheon that was held on 8 February. CAHS member Roger Beebe was the host of the event and presented the certificate to the winner, Arnie Macauley of Medicine Hat, Alberta.
Roger and his fellow co-chair, Gerre Beebe, recently wrote a very nice letter to Gary Williams to express their thanks to the CAHS on behalf of the Yuma RCAF Lunch Committee:
"We are writing as the chairpersons of the annual Royal Canadian Air Force Retiree's luncheon which is held annually in Yuma, Arizona. The 238 RCAF veterans in attendance were most appreciative of your draw prize of an annual membership. The addition of the CAHS Journals for distribution was well accepted. The CAHS brochures were also distributed.
A special thanks to Danielle for her taking the time to ensure we received the items on time."Make sure to check out Roger's March feature on our web blog here!
Terry Higgins and his editorial team have been on a roll with Journal production, publishing three editions - Spring, Summer, and Fall 2012 - in a mere two months time! They have not given up the momentum and are currently working overtime to get issue 50-4 into your inbox as soon as possible. I have been in touch with Terry throughout the process and can assure you that this will be another stellar edition. This issue will not only bring us up to cover date, but its superior quality will attest to the value of our committed contributors and dedicated editorial team. It is very exciting time for the CAHS, and we appreciate your patience as we strive to produce and deliver a product worthy of being enjoyed by our membership.
As I mentioned last month, it is worthwhile to note that Terry and his team are also working on content development up through to edition 51-3 (Fall 2013). This means that it is very likely that we will have future editions out in quick succession!
CAHS Online
Join the Conversation - @CanAvHistSoc
Our social media guru, Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, is very active on our Twitter feed. Check out some of her recent Tweets and follow @CanAvHistSoc to share your news, links, and ideas!
New on the Blog
Visit cahs.ca to view our rotating blog feature. In March, Roger Beebe took us through "RCAF Retirees in the Yuma Sun."
"The RCAF Retiree's Luncheon is held annually in Yuma, Arizona, and in February 2013, celebrated its 11th successful year. [...] The luncheon gives people a chance to renew old friendships and swap stories about their RCAF time and careers. It also allows us a time to honour our veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Last year, we had a Second World War veteran in attendance but he passed on. This year, no Second World War veterans but some from 50s, lots from 60s and 70s and even few from after the year 2000."
In April, Bill Zuk gives us insight into the life of Arthur Bishop who passed away in February:
"Despite his own illustrious career as a fighter pilot, journalist, advertising executive, entrepreneur, historian and author, in the public’s eye, Arthur Bishop was inextricably linked to “Billy” Bishop. [...] When war came, at 18, like his father, Arthur enlisted and on July 30, 1942, at Uplands, Air Marshal W. A. Bishop, director of Royal Canadian Air Force recruiting, pinned his wings on his son. The striking resemblance of the two men, was clearly evident but Arthur did not trade on the fame of his forebear, rather he was determined to forge his own way."
Read the full blogs on the CAHS website!
Note: All featured blogs are available as downloadable PDF's for easy reading on your smartphone or tablet, or saving for future reading.
CAHS Chapter News
CAHS Manitoba and the Springfield Flying Club continue their aviation film series on 11 April with Always, a remake of a classic Second World War film, and excerpts from the original film, A Guy Named Joe. Also note that their third annual "Films Take Flight!" event is in the works for 30-31 May with more details to come shortly.
Upcoming Chapter Meetings
Chapter Date Location Calgary 18 April Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Manitoba 25 April Western Canada Aviation Museum Montreal 18 April Royal Canadian Legion New Brunswick 6 April Public Archives Building, UNB Campus Ottawa 25 April Canada Aviation and Space Museum PEI 1 June Charlottetown Airport Terminal Regina 11 April Royal United Services Institute Toronto 13 April Canadian Forces College Vancouver 9 April Richmond Cultural Centre Further Chapter meeting details - including speaker listing and meeting times - are posted to www.cahs.ca when they become available. Be sure to check your Chapter's personalized meeting webpage and event calendar for the most up-to-date information!Notice to Chapter Executives: For purposes of circulating up-to-date meeting information to the national membership, please add cahs.newsletter@gmail.com to your individual Chapter newsletter distribution lists, or send me a quick e-mail when you have confirmed details regarding your next meeting.
Events and Announcements
Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame
In 2013, Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame will mark its 40th Anniversary since its formation in 1973. The first induction of Members to the Hall of Fame was held in Edmonton in 1974. The Hall of Fame is housed at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, Alberta; however, the 40th Anniversary will be celebrated in Ottawa on 30 May at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. Four individuals will be inducted as Members, and the Belt of Orion Award for Excellence will recognize the contribution of Canadian Pacific Airlines.To be inducted as Members are:
Victor R. Bennett, former Innotech Aviation chief executive
James “Stocky” Edwards, Royal Canadian Air Force fighter pilot and command leader
Joseph Fernand “Frank” Henley, former executive of Maritime Central Airways, Nordair and Hydro Quebec
John Sandford, former president of de Havilland Canada
An invitation for the induction dinner in Ottawa will be available shortly. For more information on this year's honourees and the induction gala, visit the CAHF's website here or download the inductee information sheet here.
British Columbia Aviation MuseumOn 24 April, the British Columbia Aviation Museum hosts John Laing who will speak on "The Conair Tankers." The talk is co-sponsored by the CAHS. For more information on upcoming events at the BCAM, contact Allan Botting at bottinga@shaw.ca.
Bomber Command Clasp ApplicationThe UK Ministry of Defence has authorized and is now receiving applications for the Bomber Command Clasp. This will attach to the 1939 to 1945 Star, which Bomber Command veterans will have previously received. Applications may be submitted by veterans, their widows, or their next of kin. Application forms for the Bomber Command Clasp may be downloaded from the Bomber Command Museum of Canada's website or through this link. If you require additional information regarding the clasp and the application process, please e-mail SPVA-AS&BCCApplications@mod.uk. More information here.
Robert Britnell is looking for biographical information about Joseph (Joe) H. St. James who trained at the Longbranch - Port Credit aerodrome as a Cadet Wing trainee of the RFC back in 1917. He saw action as a pilot in Vendome, France and was subsequently killed in action. Please contact him at robertbritnell@sympatico.ca with any information.
Nicole Morley is doing some research on her Great Uncle, Arthur James Horrell, and is looking for any information on him or his military career. He was in the Second World War and his squadron number was 443. Contact her at gmorley@rogers.ca.
Eric Behne (ericbehne@gmail.com) is looking for information or photos regarding the history of his aircraft, a PT-27 Boeing serial number 75-3838, US Army serial number 42-15649 and RCAF number FJ788. He knows that the aircraft was sent to Winnipeg in April of 1942 and returned to Tennessee in December of 1942, but has very little information of where it was based while in Canada.
Marc Magee is an artist currently painting a scene at the Marine Hangar in Trenton, Ontario. He is looking for help in determining the colors of the Fairchild 71 at that time. Please contact him at mageejcm@hotmail.com if you can be of any assistance.
This Month in Canadian Aviation History
9 March 1942: First graduate of BCATP to command RCAF Squadron
S/L Lloyd Vernon Chadburn was the first graduate of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) appointed to command an RCAF squadron. He was born in Montréal in 1919 and grew up in Ontario. He graduated from the Number 2 Flight Training School in Ottawa on October 9th, 1940 as a Pilot Officer.
At 22 years old, Chadburn was the youngest squadron leader in the RCAF when he took command of 416 Squadron in March 1942. He also had only 250 flying hours, and his first victories as squadron leader were over Dieppe during Operation "Jubilee."
"Dieppe air hero finds biggest shock at home," Globe and Mail, 3 February 1943
In June 1943, he was promoted to Wing Commander. Because of his age, experience, and humble disposition, Chadburn became somewhat of a celebrity and his military career was closely followed by the media.
"Young Aurora Winco, poison to foe, but 'The Angel' to U.S. Bomber Pilots," Globe and Mail, 13 March 1944
"Canadian ace modest about his decorations," Globe and Mail, 15 March 1944
"Fighter wave leaders in invasion Ontario men," Globe and Mail, 7 June 1944
On 13 June 1944, after flying Spitfires for over three years, Chadburn was killed over Normandy in a mid-air collision with another aircraft. He was 24 years old. His record includes 14 enemy airplanes destroyed (4 shared), 6 aircraft likely destroyed (1 shared), 6 aircraft damaged (2 shared), two E-boats destroyed, and another 2 damaged, as well as a destroyer damaged. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Distinguished Service Order and Bar, the French Croix De Guerre avec Palme and was made a Chevalier (knight) in the French Legion d'Honneur.
"'Chad' missing, D-Day Leader in air fight," Globe and Mail, 19 June 1944
"Lloyd Chadburn died of collision injuries," Globe and Mail, 21 June 1944
"Tributes paid Chadburn at overflow service," Globe and Mail, 26 June 1944
(*All articles and materials copyright of their respective publishers)
The CAHS laments the passing of Arthur Bishop: fighter pilot, son of Billy Bishop, and prolific military history writer. Mr. Bishop passed away in his sleep on 21 February 2013 at the age of 89.
Information and anecdotes on his life, careers, and family can be gleaned from the following links:-
"18 year old son of Billy Bishop joins RCAF," Globe and Mail, 9 September 1941
- Obituary: Arthur Bishop
"Arthur Bishop, son of war hero Billy, learned to fly solo," Globe and Mail, 3 March 2013
"Arthur Bishop, son of flying ace Billy Bishop, led remarkable life," Toronto Star, 17 February 2013
Billy Bishop's Legacy (YouTube)
We are sad to announce the passing of aviator and aviation history buff Fred McCall of Calgary, Alberta. From his obituary:
He served in the Canadian Forces, first as a cadet, then in the RCA (1RCHA) as a gunner until his retirement in 1976. He was a veteran of the Korean War. Fred was an expert in air defence. He was honoured by the Governor General of Canada in 1976 with an Order of Military Merit. [...] Fred was passionately interested in building aircraft. He built a full-sized replica of his father's Curtiss "Jenny" or JN4 aircraft that now is part of the Mavericks display in the Glenbow Museum. He also built a full-scale display helicopter for the Whyte Museum in Banff.
The CAHS will also miss Ralph Webber, a long-time member of the CAHS Montreal chapter. Ralph played for the Montréal Alouettes (1946 - 1948). He was an Air Canada manager for over 40 years, in Windsor, Toronto, Montreal, Jamaica, London, ON, Bermuda and Saskatoon.
Lindsay Price, an active member of the Manitoba CAHS Chapter, recently passed away. Lindsay was a retired air force photo technician, and a dedicated volunteer with several organisations, including the CAHS. He was on the CAHS Manitoba chapter executive from 2010 to 2013, and assisted with videography and security at chapter meetings.
Dear {tag:firstname}, thank you for reading this e-newsletter. We hope you have enjoyed it! Please feel free to forward it to friends and family members, and encourage them to sign up on www.cahs.ca for FREE to receive future copies directly. If you have any news or events to share, please contact us at cahs.newsletter@gmail.com
CAHS National Newsletter - Issue 29
Like us at "Canadian Aviation Historical Society - National"
Follow us @CanAvHistSoc with over 804 other followers
Share your aviation photos on Flickr
Changed your mailing or e-mail address?
Keep in touch! Contact Rachel Lea Heide to update your contact information or payment records
Financial inquiries: treasurer@cahs.ca
Membership inquiries: membershipinfo@cahs.caNeed to renew your Membership?
Click here to download a Membership Renewal Form
Click here to renew immediately online
Special thanks to the following supporters:
North Wright Airways Ltd.
Corporate Members:
Clearwater Fine Foods
VAC Developments
AC Family Network
Alberta Genealogical Society - Edmonton
Bomber Command Museum
Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
Experimental Aircraft Association
Fondation Aérovision Québec
Leavens Aviation
Linguistek Inc.
Rockcliffe Flying Club
Vintage Wings of Canada
Canadian Aviation Historical Society
PO Box 2700 Station D
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5W7